The Vamps: A quartet of bequiffed young boys from the Midlands who are selling out venues fast!

Some statistics, CityLifers: 12 months, 250,000 YouTube subscribers, close to 150,000 Facebook likes, 175,00 followers on Twitter, three fan tribute sites and counting, an average age of 17 and a half, four kids, and one lucrative record deal.


All that should just about bring you up to speed on The Vamps, a quartet of bequiffed young boys from the Midlands who, despite only a year or so as a four-piece, are already selling our venues that hold hundreds of fans.


It’s one of those classic mysteries best explained by savvy use of social media and possession of four faces with great pin-up potential.

But it’s more than that; essentially, they’re the boy band its OK to like because they play their own instruments.


Want more? They write their own songs, sing live on demand, and they even like to hang out with their fans before and after shows. Bless them.

(Source: )